A year round branding exercise
Oceanbridge customers love their 4 month-in-view calendars received each year at Christmas time. Plush Creative was asked this year to take the calendar to a new level, with a brigher, fresh look using the existing brand. A customer focussed proposition
We started with a key question for Oceanbridge's clients. 'Where do you want to take your business?' and then told the story over 3 panels on how we could get them there (literally and figuratively). 'Oceanbridge is your globally connected logistics partner, empowering business growth. Where you see opportunity and new markets, we see the way to get your there. Talk to our team of experts, tap into our global network. Take your business to the world. '
The imagery in each of these panels highlighted key markets for New Zealand importers and exporters with skylines of Sydney, Bangkok, Antwerp and New York as well as images of shipping, land transport and airfreight.
Making the most of this sales tool
The calendar is an effective sales tool that keeps this leading New Zealand shipping company top of mind with their existing customers and is a reason to call and have a face-to-face at Christmas time. This year we decided to add an extra tear off ontop of the January calendar that served as a Christmas 'card' and allowed for personalised messages to be written from the customers service team.